Wednesday 20 February 2013

Recipe for a Tasty Teacher :)


1 Cup Caring
2 Cups of Knowledge
1/2 Cup of Good Communication
1/4 Cup of Relevence
3 Cups of Encouragement
2 Teaspoon Task Oriented
2 Tablespoom Flexibility
1 Tablespoon Outgoing Personality
4 Teaspoon Positive Attitude
8 Tablespoon of Respect
A Pinch of Humour


Whisk together Caring, Knowledge and Communication in a bowl. Stir together Respect and a Positive Attitude in a Cup.

Beat Together items in the bowl and Flexibility with an electric mixer until comfortable and responsible for about 3 minutes, then add encouragment until combined well. Mix all of the above and a little hint of task orientation at low speed. (Scrping down side of bowl occasionally) beginnine and ending with the caring mixture. Mix until smooth.

Spoon 1/4 cup Relevance for about 2 inches apart and spread onto an experienced large background. Bake in the middle of the oven until just right and allow teachers react to hot for 15 to 17 minutes.

Transfer with a metal spatula to a rack and let it chill about 5 minutes. Sprinkle a pinch of humour and Bing! Tasty Teacher is ready :)