Tuesday 28 October 2014

Hoax Supreme

People believe everything they see on Facebook, it reaches an annoying level I never thought could be reached. They see interesting ridiculous pictures on blogs and clicked and believed, praising God for the "miracle", shared and spread the lies.

Don't get me wrong, it's fine for you to praise God in everything you see, but honestly it starts to bother me when you go gaga for things that don't even exist. So basically you're applauding God for the miracle of Photoshop!

Giants were also victims of internet hoax in 2010. 

Maybe it's the drama that they love so much. Something to discuss between colleagues in whatsapp groups. Feeling like you did something great, spreading the miracles that you also believed to exist. Maybe the intentions were good, wanting to share some unbelievable things with people, that feeling of being the first to know about Crabzillas before your friends.

Omagad..! Crabzilla will terrorise your city! Quick! Call Ultraman!

Remember in around 2006 when they claimed in forward emails that apple was insulting Islam by building a black cube-shaped "bar" mimicking the Kaaba? How stupid did you feel when after all the drama you created online condemning them to hell was nothing but mockery on yourselves after it was revealed that the black cube was just hoarding from the real glass-cube apple store? It wasn't even a bar!!!

To hell, apple... to hell..!!!

Years later, Facebook and twitter surfaced out of nowhere and gave people, all people, even those who are IT blind to create online profiles, allowing them to post links, advertise their sex toys, share and believing hoaxes and ass-commenting every single thing they read.

And we thought evolution is a progress, not a backward journey to monkey-dom. 

There maybe some truth in some unbelievable news or facts in FB, but it's our job to use our brains to analyse the validity of them. Conduct a little research before clicking the SHARE button. Find out the truth before you praise God for every fake thing you see, making your praises less valuable. (Not to mention making you look stupid). And responding like a garbage truck, acting like you're perfection walking on planet earth...

Think about it the next you see a human-dog-pig, followed with a dramatic storyline about God cursing people.

I can't think of a funny caption for this picture. It speaks itself.

Thursday 23 October 2014

"You're a lecturer? Wow I thought you were a student..!"

No, It does NOT mean you look young.

It means you look underdressed and moneyless to be able to afford career woman level clothes.

Everybody knows students have limited budget for anything.


Look your age and be proud of it.

The Drama of the "Touch a Dog" Campaign

Before you go all Ga-ga on this post, expecting to see me pick a side between the internet ulamaks and the religion ignorants, be prepared for disappointment.

These are my personal opinions about the debate:

1. I love dogs. Dogs are adorable. But I don't go around wanting to randomly touch them. I have my cats for my sudden animal-touching urges. Touching whatever you want is your own choice.

2. It's just dogs. They don't spread viruses or waves that can make u any less or more faithful to your religion. That's just you. What's with all the judgements?

3. Touch a Dog. It's a campaign, an educational event with positive pre-objective - gone viral because people in this country like to make a fuss about unnecessary things. If you don't know about it, don't comment on it.

4. It's stupid for people to go "Oh... after this there's gonna be an I want to touch a pig or I want to touch a breast campaign." It's not even funny. It's just stupid.

5. You want to touch dogs? Fine. Just don't go posting pictures of it on the internet, provoking wraths. You are old enough to learn how the community would react to anything.

6. Some people are confident enough to post religious hadiths and Al-Quran clippings to prove their points. But then comes the swearing and cursing, condemning everyone, except themselves to hell. This makes all their talks rubbish and invalid.

7. I don't agree with the dog-touching propaganda. I also don't agree with everyone else being so negative and bitchy about it.

8. I don't know much about what's wrong and right in Islam. There's so many teaching that confuses me, ever since the existence of Facebook. I will keep holding on only to what my ustazah in school taught me. Also, I am an animal lover, so I will keep feeding, rescuing and loving dogs no matter what you try to tell me. I just learned to not post anything about it on Facebook.

9. I wish people would keep their negatives thoughts inside their own heads. All the commotion is making me become more and more of an introvert. People are evil. Dogs are good.

10. Screw you, keyboard warriors. Anything you say makes you sound like a 11 year old girl. A stupid, 11 year old girl.

Ms Anne.