Monday 9 June 2014

Why I live alone...

A lot of people raised eyebrows when I told them I live all by myself, in a quite costly house, away from the society. The faces they made are usually followed by statements such as;

"Oh it must be so boring being you..."
"Really? You must have that much free time..."
"Awwww... Are you sure you want to live alone?"
"I know some places you can rent along with some singles..."
"Wow... you must be bored after work and weekends..."

Okay, I thank thee for being so caring and sympathetic but really, honestly... I don't need it. Alone is where I can do whatever i want, whenever I want and however I want. It's not that I don't have a choice, trust me I have been bombarded with pamphlets of "single white female" adds. I just chose to ignore them and live alone. Because I WANT TO.

In college I suffered 3 years of living in a house of 7 people. Yes. 7 people means 7 different opinions even on the smallest matter. And of course I was ambitious, seeking for straight A's to maintain my JPA scholarship. (In my days below 3.5cgpa means no scholarship). So basically I tell people who wanted to be in an assignment group with me to do things the way I like it. Yeah, of course I was naive and young and say whatever that was in my head. I used to spend hundreds on studies stuff and sometimes I expected my friends to do the same.

But they were not quite from a rich background. And I guess my expectations and demands were "offensive" to many.

Thus began the isolation. A house of 7 people and I felt more alone than I could ever be. No friends. And they picked on the smallest things I don't do such as sweep the floor, wash the dishes, pluck weeds.. etc..etc.. I mean seriously you see 6 people doing those already and you think, why the hell do they need me to do those things when I'm working my butt off doing assignments for 7 people?!
(When it comes to assignments I'm miss perfect and I disapprove of their standards)

The cruelest things mean girls do is talk behind your back to people OUTSIDE their clique. And making those outsiders think of you their way. I mean, really, you hate someone, why not just tell it to their faces? Of course, they prefer laughing and giggling and making sure your life is hell. I was an outcast in my own house. And I think I learned enough lesson from that.

I had my share of living with the society. And after going through paid hell... I think I'm better off by myself. I can buy whatever I want, decorate my house however I want and wake up whenever I want.

The only person I wish to share a house is with my husband coz it's like the law or something. If he stinks, or messy I won't hesitate to kick him out for sure.

I live alone. I am extremely happy about it.