Tuesday 13 September 2016

Every year, yesterday...

Yesterday was Eid al adha. A celebration to celebrate Muslims doing Hajj... Or as Wikipedia defines it, is also called the "Sacrifice Feast", is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. Obviously, you know I am not that religious but I do know the basics of Islam. You know, the 6 Rukun Iman and 5 Rukun Islam. And I also know some history stuff.

But at this day, every year since the invention of Facebook, I get emotional. On this holy day, I find people posting millions of videos of cows and sheeps and goats and lambs being slaughtered. I mean, okay I don't mind you doing all that since they make good food anyway but to post it on Facebook as something to enjoy? Doesn't it totally go against the whole concept of Qurban? It's such a shame for people to take this 'life-taking' experience and made it something to be proud about.

I know I know most of you probably disagree with me. Most of you would go ustaz on me and attack me with religious words and phrases you don't even understand yourself. Saying how slaughtering these poor animals would buy you a transport to heaven bla bla blah... Okay I get it. And I understand that part. I have nothing against that belief, but what I am hating right now is that people are taking this a little too far.

Earlier today on my timeline, a friend posted a selfie of herself with the head of a goat with some funny caption. What the hell, woman? You think slaughtering (or in other word, Qurban) animals is a joke?

Some people need to get their priorities sorted out.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

The Struggle of Scholar - A CBBP DB & HLP Adventure.

Okay so you know I finally got through the processes of applying the HLP scholarship. The long waiting... the suspense... Here's to summarize the crazy journey of applying the CBBP HLP. I tell ya, its NOT for the faint hearted.

Applied online .... waited for approval results
Interview ... waited for interview results
Got results, waited for conditional offer letter ... waited for QA Course offer
Applied UPM... waited for UPM intake results... Approved.
QA Course ... exams ... waited for QA results
Passed QA ... waited for full offer letter... got full offer letter, prepared scholarship agreement.
Sent by-hand to Biasiswa @KPT.  Wait for the money.

That's just a mini-summary. I can almost clearly recall in detail the whole long journey, what I went through till I finally reach this day. This day, meaning my first Masters class. Everyone thinks I got it easy. But until you walk in my shoes. You have no idea.

March 2015

There was an online advertisement for academicians of Politenik Malaysia to apply for a study leave to complete their Masters/PhD. At this time, I was too crazy doing work for quality. We were working on this KIK project that took away half my sleep time. There was something about that add that caught my attention. An opportunity to take a break from work for 18 months AND a full financial support to do my Masters. Hell yeah! So I applied it online. There was a LOT to do. I had to make sure my SKT was above 85% for 3 years... I had to collect all the old personal academic files and whatnots, And the worse, I had to prepare a proposal for a Master's research. Guess it was a challenge I had to face.

April 2015

While waiting for the first results. The first shortlist where you would be called for an interview session, I attended an internal workshop to prepare a Masters proposal. The speaker was Dr Choong and Dr Seri. Two influential PhD holders in PUO. I learned quite a lot, although I felt kinda inferior, having only prepared a 10 paged proposal compared to the other candidates who had giant-sized folders of complete proposals. At that moment I intended only to pursue it for the experience. Meh... I didn't have time to create a thicker proposal. It was a miracle Dr Razu and Dr Seri approved what I managed to come up with. Thanks, guys.

Jun 2015

I got shortlisted! My application somehow found its way through to an interview session! Unfortunately, my interview date was during the Politeknik Malaysia KIK conference. I was torn apart between going for the HLP or the KIK. At one point I almost chose to forget about the interview and help my KIK team present our product which was held in Perlis. See how crazy that was? The interview in KL and the KIK conference in Perlis! But a senior, well respected lecturer, Mr Tan, told me to go for the interview. The KIK will survive, the worst that could happen is we didn't win, but the interview is my future. I shouldn't walk away only to regret what could have been. (Thanks, Mr Tan!)

So I decided to miss the first day of the KIK convention and go for the interview. I managed to expand my proposal from 10 to 15 pages (hooray...), fixed a folder of all my achievements and asked a favour from my parents to accompany me from KL to Perlis after the interview.

The Interview

For Masters candidates, we had to be interviewed in pairs. I was first to register so I was first to be called in for the afternoon session. My partner was a lecturer from a Politeknik downsouth. The interviewers were a University professor and a JPA senior staff. They told us to take turns to introduce our proposals. My partner (let's call her Puan M) started first. She spoke in English, and referred to her notes (written on small pieces of paper). I could see her struggling, trying to find the correct phrases while constantly reading her notes.. But she managed to introduce her proposal, something about inventing a windmill out of recycled parts. Hmm... Not bad, I thought. When It was my turn, I knew I got this. I firstly, politely asked for permission to speak in English before I went full blast Mat Salleh. Without even glancing at my proposal, I described it, the title, the objectives, the problem statements. I was impressed with myself. How de hell did I manage to speak like that? I was convincing. The interviewers liked my project and they said I spoke well. The project was something about a research on how to change Public Transport policies to allow bicycles on buses and trains. (I know even I laugh at it now). As for the other lady, they said her project was more suitable for a warrant application, not for Masters. I was pretty confident I got through it with flying colors. But I kept low profile just in case you know, I didn't...

So after the interview, my parents drove me from KL to Perlis for the KIK convention. Which by the way, we managed to get 4th place and represent Politeknik Malaysia in the Ministry of Education KIK Convention, sometime in September.

August 2015

As I predicted, or expected, I nailed the interview session. I got the Conditional Scholarship Offer Letter. All that was left to do was to attend a 17 days QA Course and pass the exams and I would be again, shortlisted for the full scholarship. Time to take a break from all this HLP stuff and get on with work and life.

March 2016

Applied UPM: Masters in Highway and Transportation. 2 weeks after, I got in. Cool.

April 2016

QA Course. It was 17 days long, held in the northest part of Peninsular Malaysia where hardly any civilization could be found. (Trust me, I know, I lived here for 11 years of my life). It was an experience to remember. God seemed to help me all the way through. I drove myself for the first time up-north, I managed to get good friends, managed to ace all assignments and learned a LOT. Of course there was a few dramas in between which I'm not going to get into. But in the end, I also learned from that, as a lesson that everybody is born and raise differently. During the exams, I managed to answer all the questions but at that moment, I was unsure if I had answered them well. I felt too tired to stay another minute in the exam hall, so I was the first person to leave. Hoping for the best.

May 2016

It was time to explore my options. I already got an offer from UPM, but other local Universities also got my attention. I applied UKM as a back up plan, just in case I decided to go for Civil Engineering. Then, I went to a Post Grad fair in KLCC. Boring academic stuff I'm not gonna elaborate. UPM would be my first choice at this point.

August 2016

After 4 months of anticipating, finally one by one the QA results came out. By one by one, I mean the results arrived to each individual one turn at a time. Regardless of passing or failing, I went to Pantai Hospital for a medical check up. It costed me like RM100+. When I got my results through email, I was relieved. I made it. Sadly, more than 20 persons from the QA course didn't make it. It was a bummer, as all those people were like the 17 days family I had grown close with. But life goes on. There's still a looooong way to go. There were still forms and letters to fill up and sent to BKPro and Biasiswa to finalize my study leave.

I went to Putrajaya to get the Full Scholarship Offer Letter. Then, went to LHDN to duty-stamp the scholarship agreement, before re-sending it to Biasiswa in Putrajaya by hand.

Moving time. I spent the last 2 weeks of August registering at UPM, packing my stuff, finishing up my work at the office, saying goodbyes, spending time with my BFFs and students, terminating fixed lines, settling deposits with my landlord... etc... It was a very, tiring month.Although I know there are people who are excited for my departure (not everyone likes me, for sure), It was still a hard goodbye. I loved working in PUO. I love my students.

September 2016

So here I am, staying at my sister's while waiting for 6pm for my classes. Time to move on to another entry as My Masters Journey begins...

Thank you

A big warm, fuzzy Thank You for all those who helped me along the way... My bosses, En Zubir, En Azhar, Pn Samikhah, Che Man, En Rashid, En Azmi who supported me through my ups and downs during work and showed me appreciation for all the things I do, and given me ALL the opportunities anyone could ask for... To those I worked with in KIK, Kak Shimi, Mr Tan, Kak Siti, Padi, Fira, Thinesh for your perseverance and awesome teamwork and for understanding my struggles through it all.. To the Doctors who approved my humble proposal, and became my inspiration for this, Dr Razu, Dr Seri Bunian and Dr Choong... To my JKA colleagues who helped me through their support and love, Kak Pina, Kak Chelvi, Kak Sha, Kak Ekin, Kak Rose, Kak Maizan, Asiah, Kak Mas (stay gorgeous, kak!) and all who were there for my simple farewell... To my first breakfast buddies who I hadn't spend much time with anymore, but still remember your friendship, Dayana, Kak Aziah, Kak Nori, Kak Shida, Jeya... To all my QA buddies, Lin, Balqiz, Noryn, Kak Norma, Kak Niza, Anuar aka ustaz, for your friendship and companionship through the partially head damage course... To my BFFs who put up with me through it all, Fadz (love you, babe) and Chiang (you're awesome, and you know it) ... To all I worked with En Jams, En Azahan and team, Kak Iza, kak Ros senibina, Kak Yus JKM, Pok Nik and soooo many more I haven't listed here, but you know who you are. To my old friend, Dr Fiza and the Future Dr Zummy for the proposal examples which helped and inspired me... My ex-Sabah BFFs, Kak Za, Kak Faten, Kak Nini, Kak Del, Nisa for their continuous loving support and guidance, not forgetting future Dr Rusdi (en mentor), Zara and Bob for sharing your experiences with me. My mama, papa and family and buffy, for everything big and small, from travelling to moving to financial helps... Without you, this would't be possible... So many people helped me, I couldn't have done it without you guys, and I will remember you for the rest of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God Bless you all.

Sorry to anyone I have forgotten... Still in a blur from all the moving and settling down... love ya.