Tuesday 14 March 2017

Disney Vs the LPF

I have long accepted the shallow minds of (most) Malaysians. I have lived in silence, observing how people judge each other in everything they do. I have learned to stay quiet and be the person people want me to be, instead of who I really want to be. It's a hard life living in this country. The minds are moving backwards, trying to control everyone using religion. It's fine in some ways, until they reach a point where they think they have the right to condemn anyone they don't like to hell.

The controversy surrounding Disney's new movie Beauty and the Beast has opened opportunities for people to speak their minds out about "censorship" in this country. The movie's director Bill Condon, openly announced there will be a "gay moment" for Le Fou (Gaston's sidekick) which sparked an outrage among homo-phobics around the world.

 "LeFou [Josh Gad] is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston [Luke Evans] and on another day wants to kiss Gaston . . . [it] has its payoff at the end, which I don't want to give away. But it is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie." (source)

This issue became a big deal not just in this country but throughout the whole world and even within the US itself. Alabama banned the movie (they never cared for the LGBT thing), followed by Russia and a few others. Malaysia didn't really ban the movie, but allowed to be screened with "edits". Supposedly they meant cutting out the "gay moment" because whoever watches it will want to turn gay. But Disney has more pride than we think. They told us to show the whole thing or nothing at all. Due to ego and pride I guess there will never be Beauty and the Beast in the cinemas any time soon.

Because the movie hasn't been released anywhere yet, I did some readings on some articles about it. Turned out the gay moment was only less than 2 seconds. People wouldn't even notice the moment if the director hadn't mentioned anything about it. And it is only a matter of opinions. But anyways, the damage has been done. The controversy in this country leading to LPF having to "edit" the movie has caused Disney to take back the screening rights. I can't argue about that, they have have every right to.

So that's what has been happening. Years of anticipation has turned into disappointment. I do feel slightly annoyed at the whole thing but honestly, I don't care about it too much. I knew something like this was going to happen when Bill Condon opened his mouth about the gay thing. I mean, dude... There are people who still believe strongly in religions. If you can support LGBTs, why not support people's religions too?

I have nothing against LGBTs. I also don't care about it too. People can be and act like whatever they want. As long as they don't hurt others, it's fine. There shouldn't have to be any support groups for this or for that when it comes to personal choice. But now, it has become a big issue. Bigger than Caitlyn Jenner. They cancelled Beauty and the Beast for goodness sake!!!

Well, thank God for torrents, I guess.